
Published: 10th March 2007

Online: http://www.mainichi-msn.co.jp/science/medical/news/20070310dde001040004000c.html

献血:500万人割れ 若者離れ加速、採血対象者の制限も影響




The number of people who contribute to blood donation has been decreasing, which will lead to the risk not to be able to obtain the enough amount of blood in the future. The reason of this decrease, according to the source, declining percentage of young population, unwillingness to cooperate in high schools due to the not-good-enough health condition of students (less sleeping hours, unbalanced diet etc), and the policy to limit the donation from those who have stayed in UK more than one day in order to avoid the infection of some particular desease.

The number of people in need will most likely increase due to the aging population while the supply is not enough due to the low fertility - the effect of unbalanced polulation seems getting more and more serious.
