different point of view


Parents of teens 'should get time off work'

Published: 18 Jan 08 09:03 CET
Online: http://www.thelocal.se/9692/

Parents of teenagers should be able to take time off work to spend with their children, politicians have proposed. The Christian Democrat politicians say that extending parental leave to the parents of older children will help combat psychological problems among teenagers.

"Everyone sees that young people are feeling worse and worse, but nobody is offering solutions. Young people themselves, their parents and the authorities are increasingly frustrated," said Emma Henriksson, a member of parliament who led the working group proposing the measures, to Svenska Dagbladet.

The proposal, which will be presented next week, would allow parents to save 30 of their 480 days of parental leave to use at any time before their child reaches 18.

"My older daughter is turning 12. She is getting more and more independent, but she doesn't need me any less," Henriksson told Svenska Dagbladet.

確かに, who said only small kids needed attention. And I'm sure for some parents maybe it's maybe a good way to reconnect with their kids. On the other hand, I'm not so sure if the kids appreciate the attention after a certain age. Maybe 18 sounds a bit too old, at least I don't think that's what I needed when I was 18. What I wanted to do was explore beyond the boundaries at the time.
