

Women priests overtake menPublished: 28 Jan 08 09:10 CET Online: http://www.thelocal.se/9793/Fifty years after the Church of Sweden allowed women to become priests, more women than men are becoming ordained.The first women were ordained in…

different point of view

今年最初のエントリー! Parents of teens 'should get time off work'Published: 18 Jan 08 09:03 CET Online: http://www.thelocal.se/9692/Parents of teenagers should be able to take time off work to spend with their children, politicians have p…





Behind amazing figures

The number is quite impressive but very sad that the school was encouraging the student... On a separte note, morals aside for a second, I think it's a sign that I'm getting old to think, I'd never do this for 50,000 yen or so :) 「大学合…

same sex marriage

最近、スウェーデンに限らずよく目にする記事ですよね。日本ではまだまだ遠い先の話でしょうが、いずれは話題になるのでしょうか? いずれにしても、共に過ごすことを約束するのですから、軽々しい気持ちだけでは一緒になって欲しくないですね。これは同性で…


やっぱり、事例を増やして行くのが正しい方向だと思います。地道ですが、最初はこうしたステップを踏んで、既成事実を作っていくのが大事ですね。そのうち、こういうこともネタにならないような時が来ることを願います。 商社といえば、篠原涼子が出ていたAn…

Miss Universe

確かにミス・ユニバースも変わる必要が。ミス・ユニバースと言えば、"I wish for world peace"というフレーズで有名ですが、ルックスだけじゃなくて、もっと具体的にどうやってworld peaceに貢献するのかが問われる時代ですね。しかも結婚してるかしてないか…

Higher taxes on sweets

Here's an interesting article about the Norwegian government considering raising taxes on food that is considered unhealthy. I wonder what Coke and Pepsi has to say to this.. ○● 北欧ニュース ●○ 2007/04/20号 - ソフトドリンクが狙われる! htt…


スウェーデンでは、政府の機関からもっと休んで子供と時間を過ごしなさいというお手紙が来るんですね。やはり人のマインドセットを変えるためには時間もかかるので最初はどうしても制度化しないと何も変わらない、という風に最近はよく話しています。 Dads s…

Only Ireland, Malta and Poland left

どんどんと各国の法律が変わっているようですね。残すところIreland, Malta, Polandのみだそうです。/e Portuguese abortion law in force Portugal's president has ratified a new law allowing abortion up until the 10th week of pregnancy, his office…

Divorce boom?

I didn't realize the divorce rate in Japan was so low until now. 0.2% That's nothing compared to Sweden, for example. How you spend your time together as a couple and why you even get together in the first place is completely different. In…

single moms

There are many ways to address declining populations. I wonder if this is one such initiative even though the article does not make any reference to this phenomenon.The following BBC link gives a quick overview of how some European countri…

February 22, 2007 Wimbledon to Pay Women and Men Equal Prize Money By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/22/sports/tennis/23cnd-tennis.html?ex=1329800400&en=d1c854b00a16adcb&ei=5088&partner=rssnyt&emc=rss ちょっと記事の本文…


この前の発言が思わぬ効果を生み出したのでしょうか?I hope it produces positive results like the IT strategy that was employed to give quick broadband penetration. 少子化戦略 脱「押しつけ型」に変化 出生率より支援策 2007年02月10日00時45分 htt…

A US survey on living arrangements

Apparently more than half of the women in the US are now living without a husband. Interesting statistics but at the same I can't help but think what if this article were titled exactly the opposite. Now 51% of Men live without a spouse. J…

Japanese and foreign language

Japanese is not an easy language to master for foreigners and neither is English for the Japanese. 英語「ビューティフル・ジャパニーズが先決」 文科相2006年12月11日18時24分 http://www.asahi.com/edu/news/TKY200612110224.html 「日本のカルチャ…

Interesting article in the Swedish paper. Swedish school stops topless hockey picsPublished: 7th December 2006 13:08 CET Online: http://www.thelocal.se/5730/In a photo designed to mimic their hockey-playing male peers, a group of girls fro…

中国狙い1000社集結へ 省エネ・環境技術売り込め 2006年12月05日03時01分 中国での、日本企業による省エネルギーや環境ビジネスを後押しする経済団体が21日、設立される。エネルギーと環境保護は、安倍首相と胡錦涛(フー・チンタオ)国家主席が10月…

full-time employee

In Japan, it's very difficult for a women to return back to work as a full-time employee after she's been away to raise her kids. Most women end up just taking up part-time or contract work. There are many reasons for this. Let me just try…

Sexy coffee ad offends prudish Swedes

他の国ではたぶんそこまで問題にならない広告もスウェーデンではNG。でも記事を最後まで読むと、満場一致の見解ではなかったみたいですが。。。 Sexy coffee ad offends prudish SwedesPublished: 28th November 2006 11:31 CET Online: http://www.thelocal…


# 渡辺めぐみが12歳年下のモデルと結婚(11/27) # 井川遥が14歳年上デザイナーとの結婚報告(11/27) I don't know these two ladies...but one married someone who was 12 years younger and the other someone 14 years older. The one who married the youn…


And another. The way this article is written, it almost sounds like they are proud that the Japanese word Ijime which means bully is becoming an international language like tsunami. hmm.... 日本の「Ijime」、ドイツで強い関心 連日報道 2…

Smoking banned in jail from 2008

Hi.So, here's my first entry. There's lots of interesting news out there that cataches my attention. Today's headline that caught my attention was the following. This must have huge implications for the trade that goes on in prison. Smokin…