
February 22, 2007 Wimbledon to Pay Women and Men Equal Prize Money By CHRISTOPHER CLAREY ちょっと記事の本文…

A US survey on living arrangements

Apparently more than half of the women in the US are now living without a husband. Interesting statistics but at the same I can't help but think what if this article were titled exactly the opposite. Now 51% of Men live without a spouse. J…

Interesting article in the Swedish paper. Swedish school stops topless hockey picsPublished: 7th December 2006 13:08 CET Online: a photo designed to mimic their hockey-playing male peers, a group of girls fro…

full-time employee

In Japan, it's very difficult for a women to return back to work as a full-time employee after she's been away to raise her kids. Most women end up just taking up part-time or contract work. There are many reasons for this. Let me just try…

Sexy coffee ad offends prudish Swedes

他の国ではたぶんそこまで問題にならない広告もスウェーデンではNG。でも記事を最後まで読むと、満場一致の見解ではなかったみたいですが。。。 Sexy coffee ad offends prudish SwedesPublished: 28th November 2006 11:31 CET Online: http://www.thelocal…